Wyckoff at home photo session

One of many awesome things about being a family photographer is watching kids grow – a lot of clients come back to me once or twice a year and seeing how kids have change during this short amount of time (while parents miraculously look the same) is pretty amazing…  But some of the most interesting and drastic transformations I get to witness is with ‘my’ newborns… Kids change so much within the first year and when they come back to me for their 6 months or a year session I am literally amazed at how different they are – not only look-wise (and they Do look very different from the squishy newborns they once were) but how they turn into their own people!

This was my fourth session with baby E.- although at 1.5 years old he does not look like a baby any more… He is so independent, knows what he likes (Finding Nemo and blowing bubbles are among his favorites), has the most adorable elbow dimples and he is just so full of personality!

When we were planning this session his Mom said that she did not want to be in any pictures – she wanted photos of just the two ‘boys’ together – E. and his Dad.  You know me – I am ALL ABOUT getting Moms in front of the camera and if I am being honest I was not 100% bought into this idea at first.  But when I came to the house and watched these two interact I could totally see why the Mom wanted to do the session the way we did it – it changed the dynamic of it!  And it really was so much fun capturing these two together!

Mom joined us towards the end of the session and what a joyous reunion it was – little E. wrapped his chubby hands around her neck – you would think he did not see her for DAYS!:)

Grandparents popped over towards the end as well – and I am so glad they did!  They adore this little guy and I was thrilled to be able to capture that.

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